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Meet Kristie LaLonde from Happy Hostess Collective!
Today I am delighted to introduce you Kristie LaLonde, Creator and owner of Happy Hostess Collective!
Kristie teaches how to entertain at home, plan parties and make your guests feel welcome. Join her each week as she helps beginner hostess learn the tips and tricks of setting a table and entertaining guests without all the stress and worries. On her Apple podcasts, you can enjoy her interviews with party experts and learn their secrets to creating a memorable event.
Questions for Kristie:
Q: Kristie, it’s truly a pleasure having you here on the blog. Can you tell us about yourself, where did you grow up and how did your childhood influence your life and your path?
I’m honored that you have invited me on your blog. You know that I’ve been a long time fan of your work and it’s exciting to do this! I grew up in Lexington, KY and have lived here basically all of my life. I grew up on a horse farm and remember being fascinated by all the fancy parties going on there. I think watching my parents get ready for these big events and seeing the glamour of the horse industry at that time intrigued me. As far as my love for dishes, I inherited that from my mother!
Q: As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
I went through many phases, at times I wanted to be a horse veterinarian, an actress or a gymnast. But I should have known that I wanted to be an entrepreneur because I was always recruiting my friends to start a businesses with me. Lemonade stands were my favorite but I starting selling friendship bracelets, friendship pens and handmade ribbon barrets over the years.
Q: Where did you go to college and did you learn anything in there that helped you do what you are doing today?
I graduated from the University of Kentucky with a degree in Fashion Merchandising. I chose this major with the intention of having a bridal store with a wedding coordinating service. I never opened a bridal store but I did coordinate weddings for a while. The retail part of the major did help as I owned an online high end gift and dishware company for over ten years.
Q: What inspired you to start Happy Hostess Collective on your social media and the Happy Hostess Podcast?
I really feel like there are a lot of women hesitant to invite guests into their home. Either because they don’t feel like they don’t have time or are afraid that they just don’t know how. These women are missing out on so much joy and connection that comes from entertaining in their own home. I want to be able to show them how to do it simply, with style and in a way that makes them feel confident.
Q: How do you define your style?
Grandmillenial is probably the best way to describe my style in the home, even though I am way too old to be a millennial! I would also describe my party style as whimsical or a little over the top. I am a “more is more” type of gal when it comes to parties!
Q: Where do you find inspirations?
I find inspiration from other creators like you and so many others on Instagram. Inspiration can really be found anywhere from nature, the movies to books and magazines. It is so fun to create your own interpretation of themes that you see in everyday life.
Q: How do you plan for your next dinner or event?
I always start with asking myself why am I having this dinner, party or event? I try to take that answer and ask, “Why is that important to me?” When I do that a few times in a row, I get a meaningful answer that naturally helps me make the rest of the decisions like the location, menu, guest list etc. The key is to plan, plan, plan and to do it in writing! Planning takes the stress out of most any event.
Q: What are some of your favorite treasures in your home that you use in your tables, and why?
Some of my favorite treasures are my wedding china, family hand me downs, and vintage dishware. Heirlooms that I have had for many years, hold memories and positive feelings that bring me joy. I love vintage items because they have a history and bring unique character and charm to a table.
Q: Do you have any favorite collection?
Right now my favorite collections are majolica, cabbage ware, and cookbooks.
Q: For people who don’t know Happy Hostess Collective, can you describe how you came up with that name?
When people think of being a hostess, sometimes they picture a perfectionist like Martha Stewart. A lot of times, the word hostess brings up feelings of not being enough or not knowing what to do. I just want to give people the tools to be confident while entertaining so they create bonding memories with their friends and family. I do believe that much lasting happiness comes from inviting guests into our home. The Collective comes from the idea of all of us in it together, wanting to be part of a movement blessing others with genuine hospitality.
Q: When you aren’t busy working on the podcast or a party, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love to read, attend pilates classes and of course, listen to podcasts.
Q; What are 3 every day luxuries you could not live without?
Only three is hard! But the first things that come to mind is makeup by Hourglass, a warm cozy bed and good coffee.
Q: Where is your favorite place to host and why?
My very favorite place to host is always my home. There is an intimacy that is created when you host in your own home that is hard to recreate anywhere else. Also, it is by far the most convenient place, because you don’t need to transport anything and you have all the time you need to decorate or cook.
Q: Where can people find you, let us know your social media handles and any other ways people can get in touch with you.
My instagram handle is @happyhostesscollective and my facebook account is the same. You can reach me by email at kristie@happyhostesscollective
Listen to my podcasts HERE
Thank you Kristie, it was a pleasure having you in this space!
Thank you for inviting me, Ceci I feel so blessed to connect with you and your readers!
For ongoing inspiration, please follow @happyhostesscollective on Instagram and on Facebook.
We would be delighted to hear from you in the comments below, so leave a note or let us know if you have any questions below. Thank you! :)
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xo Ceci Mason founder and artist
Diga Linda ✨ Say Beautiful